6 Remote-Learning Tips (From a Teacher)

6 Remote-Learning Tips (From a Teacher)

Photo by Deleece Cook via Unsplash
With most school districts across the country turning to remote learning, that leaves a heavy workload and responsibility for parents. Teachers are working tirelessly to support families from a distance, but we can only do so much. Here are my top 8 recommendations for supporting a healthy remote-learning/homeschool setting and keeping your child (and you) happy. 
1. Make your own schedule. It is important to not try to replicate a typical school day. Stay on track with live class meeting times and maintain a routine, but do so in a way that follows what your child needs and how they learn best. Let them sleep in! Take breaks! Make sure they have time for movement/exercise every day and don't push them when they are feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. 
2. Keep you (and your child's) well-being a priority. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress too much. While you are your child's first teacher, most parents haven't gone to college to teach curriculum and monitor learning progress. Do what you can, but don't let it wear on you. I promise, when learning goes back to in-person, teachers will know what to do to meet each child where they are at individually and get them to where they need to be. 
3. Focus on the things your child does well and what they are most interested in.  Would your child rather do art? Think about how you can work through math problems with art experiences. Do they have an obsession with bugs? Work on reading and writing skills by making books about bugs. You will see that your child will be more invested in the learning because it is something that they enjoy doing. 
4. Set up a school area and keep it just for school activities. Have your child help to pick out their learning area and set it up. Make sure to include things that help them get comfortable. Decorate, but don't have it be too distracting or overstimulating. This space should only be used for school, to help maintain routine.
5. Stay in contact with your child's teacher. Teachers want feedback and they want to be able to support you. Teachers are feeling a loss from not getting to see students and families in person and want to see families have successful remote learning experiences. Be transparent. Let them know if your child isn't understanding an assignment or if you are going to be late to a class. This communication will be beneficial to everyone involved.
6. Take care of yourself! During the month of September, Oat Mama will be doing Self-Care September. Follow along for tips on how to keep yourself a priority during the chaotic and stressful time. 
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